Memorial Keyring – Style 0104

SKU Memorial Key Ring 0104 Category Tags , , ,
This is a clear plastic, durable Memorial Keyring, with a printed insert that is 50mm deep x 35mm wide (1.96 inches deep by 1.37 inches deep). A picture of your loved one is incorporated on the one side, along with their name, date of birth and the date of their passing. On the other side is your choice of verse. (Note: Due to the size of this item, all the verses, because of their length are not available for printing on the back).

It has a beautiful picture of Jesus on the front.

From: 35.00

Personalise Your Card

In general, our verses refer to “he/him” or “she/her”. If you have a preferred pronoun that you would like to use in the verse, please select your option from the dropdown below. If your preferred pronoun is not shown – select “None of the above – I will enter my own” and you can enter you own choice in the next text box.

(max file size 64 MB) Clear


This is a clear plastic, durable Memorial Keyring, with a printed insert that is 50mm deep x 35mm wide (1.96 inches deep by 1.37 inches deep). A picture of your loved one is incorporated on the one side, along with their name, date of birth and the date of their passing. On the other side is your choice of verse. (Note: Due to the size of this item, all the verses, because of their length are not available for printing on the back).

It has a beautiful picture of Jesus on the front.

You can select all the options for your keyring from the menus on this page and when you are finished you can add it to your cart. You can then continue shopping and when you are ready to checkout, you can do so by clicking the “Checkout” button in the main menu at the top of the page. If you have any difficulties when ordering, please contact us at +353 (0) 89 205 4278

We will prepare a proof of your keyring that we will email to you for approval to ensure you are happy with it. When approved they will be dispatched within 5 working days.

This design is also available as a Memorial Card (Style 0104), a Memorial Wallet Card (Style 0104), a Memorial Bookmark (Style 0104), a Large Memorial Bookmark (Style 0104), a Memorial Photoprint (Style 0104) and a Memorial Thank You Card (Style 0104).

If you require any assistance with your order, please do not hesitate to contact us at or telephone +353 (0) 89 205 4278. We are only too happy to help. We understand that it is an important purchase for you, so if you have any difficulties in using the site, let us know. Additionally if you have any suggestions as to how we can make the site better, get in touch.

Memorial Keyring Prices













Verses for Keyrings

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
And the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

You are not forgotten
Nor will you ever be
No one can fill you vacant place.
Looking back with memories upon the path you trod
We bless the time we had with you
And leave the rest to God.

God grant me the Serenity to
Accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

We miss your smile, your joking ways.
We miss the things you used to say.
And when old times we do recall,
It’s when we miss you most of all.

We hold you close within our hearts,
And there you shall remain,
To walk with us throughout our lives,
Until we meet again.
So rest in peace dear loved one,
And thanks for all you’ve done,
We pray that God has given you,
The crown you’ve truly won.

Perhaps they are not stars in the sky,
but rather openings,
where our loved ones shine down
to let us know they are happy

Now the labourer’s task is over, now the battle day is past. Now upon the farther shore lands the voyager at last. Father, in Thy gracious keeping, leave us now thy servant sleeping.

Guardian Angel from
Heaven so bright,
Watching beside me to lead me aright,
Fold thy wings round me,
and guard me with love,
Softly sing songs to
me of heaven above.

Your life was one of kindly deeds,
A helping hand for other’s needs,
Sincere and true in heart and mind,
Beautiful memories left behind.

Additional information

Pack Quantity

5 – €35, 10 – €65, 15 – €95, 20 – €125, 25 – €150

Memorial Keyring Style 0104 Jesus
Memorial Keyring – Style 0104
From: 35.00